You might have guessed that my subject is not really addressing a sudden outbreak of fence-obsessed klepto activity. Rather, I want to consider the long-time dearth of blog posts on my several blogs. Athan has clearly made repeated appearances on the most recent LOUK life posts, much to the delight of most of our family. But aside from the intermittent rush of photos, my blogger accounts have mostly gone silent. My devotional activity has moved to the more private realm of Accordance Notes (Accordance is a Mac-based Bible software program), allowing for more candid self-examination. And my essays, well I haven't pumped out a serious one since 2007 (not exactly making my twice a month goal there).
1). We are constantly on the move. We haven't had our own place since July 4, 2007 (that year it was Dependence Day for us). The constant flux of being guests in house after house keeps us on our toes and away from some of the fun things that we want to do.
2). We two are now three. Talk about flux! Athan is such a little guy but makes a big difference. We are relearning what it means to be now that we are three.
3). In Korea, when my blogs were started, most of my work was done on my feet in the front of a full classroom of adorable, dark-eyed students. Sitting at a computer and thinking about things was a welcome change from "A says a a apple." (a common refrain for the kindergarten and first grade phonics teacher). Now, while working to get to Romania, most of my work is done sitting at a desk, staring at a spreadsheet of church contact—phone in hand, hoping to talk that isn't recorded this time. At the end of the day, I am ready to get away from the computer, but often I still need to answer many e-mails and write follow up letters. All this pushes me away from volitional computer time.
One way or another, pre-field ministry will end. We hope and trust that by early 2010, we will be in or getting ready to go to Romania. It may not come so quickly, but we trust that it will come. Even if something catastrophic happens and keeps us from going from Romania altogether (which we trust and hope will not happen), we would no longer be working to get to Romania. So one way or another, our lives will change.
Additionally, the experiences of engaging a foreign culture are almost always more interesting than working within your own. So we will be much more inclined to write about what we are learning and experiencing. So, be assured, more substantive posts will come (though maybe not for a while).
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