Friday, October 12, 2007

Korean Lesson #4

Marriage is wonderful.

The first twenty-seven years of my life were great! I often longed to be married, but I found great contentment while still single and believe that a person can serve God perfectly as a single person if this is what God has directed him or her to do. But as for me, God had something better (not that it is necessarily better to be married but rather it is better for me to be married).

The one flesh principle extends far beyond a physical relationship into all aspects of life. I do not go to a fast-food restaurant without first considering that I am not alone, that there are two of us who are one. Some might view this as a burden, but I view it as a helpful encouragement to think before I act. I run things by Laurel before I do them, keeping myself from foolish decisions that would negatively effect both of us.

And not only that, but I am far less lonely. I spent three and a half years in Korea, and only the last year was with Laurel. There were times during the first two and a half years that I was so lonely that I cried. When Laurel was with me, I never experienced anything close to that kind of feeling.

Marriage is not the best thing for everyone. And some people's marriages need serious help (because of sin), but for me marriage is wonderful.

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